EEEModern Civilization

Mobile Phone Effect on Youth in Bangladesh


The main concept of this study is to investigate effects of mobile phone on youth in Bangladesh. The study starts reviewing the existing related literature and advances to construct its methodological portion and sets the various techniques of data collection Such as interview schedule, guide line for case study to provide a sociological approach .than it formulates the conceptual frame work  of the study. It is evident from this study that mobile phone effects on youth in Bangladesh. It is seem from the study, with the help of mobile phone social and personal life patterns of youth is changing. Often the smallest technological advances create the largest social impacts. Technology impacts the developing world in great ways because the contrast it has to the developed world. Mobile technology is no longer a new one. Companies and governments already know the opportunities that the mobile technology has created in the developing world, because the lack of technology and communication, the developing worlds are unable to participate in the global scenario and its benefits. This paper argues that mobile phones are quickly becoming an affordable, useful and accessible tool to young generation around the country and strengthen social networks. Teen-ager and young also negative impact on family relation in Bangladesh is remarkable negative impact of mobile phone uses. There is a direct correlation between mobile phones and poverty alleviation.

 In this paper we will focus the effects of mobile phone on youth in Bangladesh using Various data collected through questionnaire, published source, internet etc. The data for this paper have been collected both from primary and secondary sources of information.

Considering the research objectives, the study use to both quantitative and qualitative, at one hand it gives a statistical analysis and on the other hand it also presents us with impetrative analysis by using qualitative method.


Mobile phone has dramatically changed peoples’ social and communication behavior use telephones. The land telephone line restricted the user’s accessibility to phone and also abilities to move around while talking and telephones were usually located in areas away from and more or less isolated from other activities. After the introduction of Cell Phone in Bangladesh in 1993, today, we see people use in mobile phone all kinds of situations, to public places such as in the streets, on the bus, in shops, restaurants, public theaters, offices, at work as well as leisure, while attending seminars, alone as well as together with others. There are over six nation-wide independently owned cell phone companies competing for business. As of March, 2011 there are 70.963 million mobile phone subscribers in

Bangladesh (BTRC). Expansion of cell phone has an impact on our behavior. Mobile phone users often perform cell phone conversations in combination with multiple other activities and simultaneously with other social interactions. This study was undertaken with the objective to understand why people use cell phone in a range of situations and identify the impact of expansion of cell phone on interpersonal communication and behavior change.

Statement of the problem

 Mobile phones have dramatically changed the way people communicate. Traditionally, telephone conversations were restricted to relatively fixed locations. The land telephone lines restricted the user’s abilities to move around while talking and telephones were usually located in areas away from and more or less isolated from other activities. The locations of the telephone in private homes and offices have also been regulated by norms and traditions, balancing the benefits of a central location with the comfort of having the phone conversation away from the noise and disturbance of other activities. The mobile phone have brought telephone conversations out from these designated areas of traditional fixed line telephones, and into the huge variety of social situations and settings people take part in. Today, we see people use cell phones in all kinds of situations, to public places such as in the streets, on the bus, in shops, restaurants, public theaters, offices, at work as well as leisure, while attending seminars, alone as well as together with others. Bangladesh is one of the few countries in the world that can guarantee each one of its residents can get a cell phone signal – no matter where they are in the country with a population of over 150 million. There are over six nation-wide independently owned cell phone companies competing for business. Bangladesh’s six cell phone carriers added 2.05 million new subscribers in January,2009 making the total number of user to 36.4 million in the one of the world’s fastest growing mobile market, official data showed. Expansion of mobile phone has an impact on our behavior especially on youth behavior. Mobile phone users often perform Mobile phone conversations in combination with multiple other activities and simultaneously with other social interactions. Rather than being a one-to-one interaction between the two telephone speakers, mobile phone conversations often involve other persons in the speaker’s local context. Today, a mobile phone is not merely a tool which enables us to make phone calls and send text messages or pictures. It can process, store, and output/input complex and diverse information. For instance, the functions the Apple phone has: Multimedia, Internet connectivity, Web accessibility, E-mail, etc. It is also time consuming and cost effecting to us. There is no doubt that many find mobile phone highly useful, and appreciate the flexibility and accessibility they represent. However, the use of cell phones may also be experienced as annoying and disturbing, and even perceived as improper behavior in many social situations. The problem of cell phone disturbance in public spaces has mainly been treated as a social phenomenon related to norms of social behavior in the various social settings.

The general argument being that cell phone usage may challenge the social norms of behavior of the social setting, and/or that specific norms of mobile phone usage have yet to be established. While the performance and cost of current new cell phone functionalities, or call services, are not yet completely satisfying no one can deny that a new age is coming – the age that belongs to the mobile phone. Now it is being a prestige issue without having mobile phone.

 In today’s world nearly everyone has access to a mobile phone. How people use Mobile phones is an interesting topic of young generation. It is related to how mobile phones will be designed in the future and how to apply information technology to our quality of life. Thus, the answers to these questions may inspire thoughts towards the effects of Mobile phones.

Rationale of the Study

Mobile phones have become a mainstream product in today’s world and have a huge impact on today’s world. With youth population constituting almost half of the population, Bangladesh has become a fine breeding ground for higher mobile connections. When mobile phones hit the high street over 10 years ago, not only did it give us the ability to communicate with friends, family and colleagues anytime and anywhere, but along the way it has also changed our social behavior and has made a huge cultural impact. It is the easiest way to stay connected with family and friends and also provides security, like updating our parents where we are if it gets late to go home. It helps to socialize, creates a sense of belonging to peer group and easy access to media and environment. Apart from its regular use, cell phones express individual identities. Right from the model we buy till the ring tone and wallpaper set, every minute detail is noted. On the contrary, cell phones have also made people introvert, that is, mobile phone has some dangerous effects. And in this case, youth of our society are the most vulnerable portion. Different mobile phone companies are trapping our youth society through offering some attractive but deceptive packages.

In our youth segment the majority is student community that is spell bounded by these packages. They are losing the essence of their profession/studies. They are derailing and deviating themselves. They are getting away from their goals, destinies and motives. Their minds are becoming stagnant and static. Creativity and innovation is blocked by the consistent telephonic conversations spread. They are losing their interest towards the interactions and sociality. Alienation is increasing within small community or groups of people. In one room four roommates are strangers to one another. They never try to tie up the relation because they don’t have a pinch of time. By talking whole night with opposite sex, they are getting psychologically weak and pressured. There are many other physical distortions also arising due to spending the precious time which is needed compulsory rest, relaxation, relief and mental health. Due to spending whole nights the absenteeism is skyrocketing in every profession. They are going far and far away from the hold of families. They tell lies and have false communication with their parents. They are betraying the decisions, trust and expectations of their parents. They are traveling towards the lone parent family system in which one is not accountable to anyone and he is the only decision maker. Such kind of behavior is leading towards the social fragmentation and terrible decline of moral values in which respect is core one. They are crossing the restraints and limitations, very essential for the well integrated society.

Due to the bogus projection of the companies their effectiveness and determination is diminishing if we put a furtive glimpse on the chart of protests and rallies conducted against the negative policies, the ratio of youth’ contribution is at minor level and seems vanished because they have engrossed in making affairs and spending their potential and energy to locate the suitable packages.

Thus the young people of our society have been under a great threat due to the impact of using mobile phone. Though it is a fact of great concern for us, there do not have enough studies regarding this subject. Therefore, this study will be an effort to explore the devastating impact of mobile phone on our youth society.

The Objectives of the Study:

Broad objectives

The broad objective of the study is to understand why people use mobile phone in a range of situations and identify the impact and effects of mobile phone on youth in Bangladesh.  

Specific objectives

  1. To explore the changing pattern of behavior of youth
  2. To identify the communicative practices of young mobile phone users.
  3. To assess the perception of an adaptation of social norms
  4. To introduce the user comprehension of mobile telephony technology.

Literature review

Pamela (2000) has discussed with different sectors in which cell phones have a great impact on today’s youth. Here, at first she has discussed with the educational sector. According to her, cell phones allow kids to text quiz answers, take pictures and videos of problem-solving methods for tests and leave voice messages detailing classroom pop quizzes and other events that otherwise would not spread by word of mouth in one day. A ban on cell phones in schools is not the answer, as a phone set to silent or vibrate mode may easily go unnoticed by teachers. Then she has discussed with fact of Sexing. The newest thing to hit young cell phone users today is sexing. Verbal texts, pictures or videos can be sent out to an entire contact list in seconds. Those kids that receive it in turn send it out and within an hour, potentially detrimental sexual material has been spread to a massive audience. Many kids can be hurt if pictures or texts that they think are going to one person are spread around to others. Pamela has also expressed her concern on the role of mobile phone in occurring an accident. Young cell phone users know how to text while driving. They can talk on the phone or text and drive on the streets and highways without regard to the potential danger. Car accidents involving cell phones and youth have increased.

The discussion made by Pamela in this article would certainly be an important one to study the impact of mobile phone on the youth of Bangladesh. But the discussion might have lacked some positive impacts of mobile phone on the youth.

A research conducted by Market Analysis and Consumer Research Organisation in the title of “ Study of mobile phone usage Among the teenagers and Youth in Mumbai ” (2004). In this study an effort has been provided to learn about the attitude of teenagers and youth ,age group 15-30 years, towards cellular phones. The study tends to examine the way young people relate to the functionality of mobile phones as well as asses observable phenomena. It also discusses with the different usage patterns of mobile phone in age-wise or gender wise. In all, the research was conducted in an attempt to replicate the study in an Indian context in order to arrive at the current trends, especially in metros like Mumbai where mobile telephony seems to have made an immense impact.

In fact, the study has thoroughly discussed with the different impacts of mobile phone on the youth but has not specifically mentioned of the positive and the negative impacts, and any recommendation to confront the negative impacts of mobile phone on the youth.

Kheifets (2001) warned, however, that there were other possible explanations, including that mothers who were frequently on the phone through pregnancy might continue the pattern after birth, spending less time with their babies.

In fact, the study has thoroughly discussed with the different impacts of mobile phone on the pregnant women but has not specifically mentioned of the positive and the negative impacts, and any recommendation to confront the negative impacts of mobile phone on the youth.

 This study was performed by Nahid r.ghorbani and rosemarie n.heidari(2004) Effects of Information and Communication Technology on Youth’s Health Knowledge.The fact is that the use of IT has become a part of our society and is perhaps the most promising medium for achieving health promotion initiatives. The study tends to examine the way young people relate to using it and become addicted .

In fact, the study has thoroughly discussed health knowledge and effects of it but but has not specifically mentioned of the positive and the negative impacts, and any recommendation to confront the negative impacts of mobile phone on the youth.

A research conducted by John-Harmen Valk , Ahmed T. Rashid ( 2006) conducted  by the analysis the title Using Mobile Phones to Improve Educational Outcomes evidence of the role of mobile phone-facilitated Learning in contributing to improved educational outcomes in the developing countries of Asia by exploring the results of that took place in the  Thailand, India, and Bangladesh. In particular, this article examines the extent to which the use of mobile phones helped to improve educational outcomes in Bangladesh. Analysis of the projects indicates that while there is important evidence of mobile phones facilitating increased access, much less evidence exists as to how mobiles promote new learning.

In fact, the study has thoroughly discussed with the different impacts of mobile phone for Improve Educational outcomes. But has not specifically mentioned of the positive and the negative impacts, and any recommendation to confront the negative impacts of mobile phone on the youth.

Johansson(2003)  has studied the effects of mobile phones, Wifi etc on humans since over 20 years and finds the evidence are compelling about Professor Johansson finds that the brain tumor issue is a minor thing compared to many other harmful effects. While brain tumors affect a small percentage other serious effects, affect the whole population including genetic damage, sleep disturbances, reduced learning capacity, concentration difficulties and psychological problems and serious hazards.

In fact, the study has thoroughly discussed, concentration difficulties and psychological problems and serious hazards. But the discussion might have lacked some positive impacts of mobile phone on the youth.

Defining the concept of “Effects of mobile phone on youth”

Mobile phones have an important function in many people’s daily lives and it’s hard for us to imagine curtailing our dependence on them. Therefore, it might not be advisable to ban your child’s mobile phone, which could lead to social isolation. The goal is to establish healthy habits. Time spent on mobile phones, while useful and fun, is time not spent focusing on other important activities, such as studying, working, and improving mental and physical health.

It’s important to recognize that although mobile phones provide us with the ability to seek social contact and feedback at any hour of the day, it might be a worthwhile idea to spend time “offline” and to realize that our time might be well spent alone. In the same vein, parents might rely to heavily on mobile phone to communicate with their children, contacting them too much, in the place of a face to face conversation

Many young today have their own mobile phones to use for social, family, and professional purposes. Mobile phones are equipped to send/receive phone calls and text messages. “Smart” phones or PDAs and other devices also enable you to access the Internet, take/send photos/videos, play games, listen to music, use a calculator, alarm clock, and calendar, not to mention the thousands of apps that offer a growing array of services.

Many teens use a mobile phone as a part of a family plan, where the bill is sent to one person in a household or family. However, teens are able to procure their own mobile phones without committing to a contract by purchasing a prepaid phone.

Positive effects of mobile phone on youth

In economic sector, the aggregation of the supply-side, demand side and intangible benefits provide an indication of the total economic impact of mobile communications in Bangladesh. The total impact of mobile communications on Gross Domestic Product .

contribute to employment via several avenues:

 direct employment of the industry and related industries; support employment created by outsourced work And taxes that the government subsequently spends on employment generating activities; and Induced employment resulting from the above employees and beneficiaries spending their earnings, and creating more employment .the estimated that in aggregate, including direct and indirect employment for the related industries, dividing the proportion of

Revenue spent on wages by the average wage rate in each sector. , representing our view of the relative open-news of the Bangladeshi economy.

The internationally acclaimed Village Phone Program with the help of Village Phone operators is providing telecommunication services in the Village Phone Program is a unique initiative to provide telecommunications facilities in remote, rural areas all over Bangladesh. Some 75 percent of the operators are women. The Village Phones have proventheir immense potential in boosting income of poor households in rural areas, promoting health care, development of agri-business and in the social empowerment of rural women.They have created a “phone culture” among women by enabling their access to communication tools from which they might otherwise be excluded. They have also shown that poor, largely uneducated women can master the skills and run a small business. Women phone operators have achieved economic and social empowerment within their households and communities.

There are a number of ways that mobile services can promote cohesion in families and society. For example, a cheap mobile service allows families and communities to remain as a coherent unit when family members are away for long periods. In cases where a family member is abroad either

Temporarily or permanently it allows the family unit .

In Bangladesh, it is common for mobile phone owners to use them for the benefit of those with low levels of education and literacy,. The same study found that owners are more likely to have higher incomes whilst users are more likely to have lower incomes. The operators in Bangladesh recognize the importance of broadening the accessibility of their services

Access to data services encourages local content, allowing users to learn about local services such as healthcare, agri service,as well as their general standard of education and knowledge in current affairs. Access to data services allows organizations to provide basic information such as protection against dangerous conditions such as avian influenza and other diseases, surgery times and how to obtain vaccinations. Mobile communications provide these capabilities To all sectors of society, whilst fixed services do not. In developing countries, fixed services are generally only available to wealthy individuals and corporations. Given an appropriate policy regime, mobile services can be extended to

all the whole population.

Mobile services dramatically improve access to emergency Services, which would otherwise only be available the wealthy.It also allows families to stay in touch with each other in the event of natural disasters, communicate with relief providers and obtain information that will allow them to obtain more rapid relief. A recent study “The Roles of Mobiles in Disasters and Emergencies” into the use of mobile phones in disaster relief used network data and other evidence to try to understand how people used mobile phones in extreme circumstances. The research identified

that mobile phones are used in the following many situations:like,Early warnings, Disaster management,  Immediate after math,  Recovery and rebuilding

One of the most consistent messages to emerge was the benefit of the timely spread of information in response to a disaster. The research found that while mobiles are only one element of a whole array of communications, they are especially effective at diffusing information rapidly to where it is most urgently needed. Particularly important is the superior resilience of mobile compared with fixed networks and the ability to install new capacity very quickly where needed.

 As one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy, mobile operators have taken steps to promote social responsibility, the education and welfare of communities and employees.

-Maintaining interpersonal communication. Using cell phoneincreasing social communication and spread one’s circle of acquaintance. especially  who want to optimize use of their time agree that using cell phone help in increasing proficiency in efficient delivery of responsibilities and goods.

Using mobile phone enriches their information and use internet option.Carrying cell phone gives a feeling of security which is especially supported by women .

Negative effects of mobile phone on youth

People were done up and vexed with internet but due to  cellular technology all gaps have been bridged for the destruction of youth.

The telecommunication companies in our country have been inclined towards introducing new and attractive packages for youth .

I think All necessary and normal interactions can be dealt with during daytime but the companies offer the packages that start after end of family or business communication. My feeling is that these packages are more likely to spoil and ravage our youth than to do anything else. Except on very urgent occasions ordinarily no one would like to talk after midnight

In our youth segment the majority is student community that is spell bounded by these packages. They are losing the essence of their profession/studies. They are derailing and deviating themselves. They are getting away from their goals, destinies and motives. Their minds are becoming stagnant and static. Creativity and innovation is blocked by the consistent telephonic conversations spread over the whole of night.

They are losing their interest towards the interactions and sociality. Alienation is increasing within small community or groups of people. In one room four roommates are strangers to one another. They never try to tie up the relation because they don’t have a pinch of time.

By talking whole night with opposite sex, they are getting psychologically weak and pressured. There are many other physical distortions also arising due to spending the precious time which is needed compulsory rest, relaxation, relief and mental health.

Due to spending whole nights the absenteeism is skyrocketing in every profession. They are going far and far away from the hold of families. They tell lies and have false communication with their parents.

They are betraying the decisions, trust and expectations of their parents. They are traveling towards the lone parent family system in which one is not accountable to anyone and he is the only decision maker. Such kind of behavior is leading towards the social fragmentation and terrible decline of moral values in which respect is core one.

Role of mobile phone on youth in Bangladesh

Mobile phone use has several potential costs: financial, academic, social, and health.

Aside from using more minutes than allocated in your mobile phone plan, extra text messages (both sent and received) can quickly add to your bill.

Some schools limit or restrict the use of mobile phones. Schools set restrictions because of the use of mobile phones for cheating on tests, harassing other people, causing threats to the schools security, and facilitating gossip and other social activity in school.

Some teens and young text message so much that they have developed physical symptoms, Texting Teen and Tendonitis. So much texting can lead to pain in the hands, back and neck soreness from poor posture while texting, impaired vision, and, possibly, many years down the line, to arthritis.

One study found that teenagers who excessively use their mobile phone are more prone to disrupted sleep, restlessness, stress and fatigue.  Another found that mobile phone addiction can result in psychological disorders.

Because mobile phones emit electromagnetic radiation, concerns have been raised about cancer risks that may pose when used for long periods of time. The current consensus view of the scientific and medical communities is that health effects are very unlikely to be caused by cellular phones or their base stations. At the same time, cellular phones became widely available only relatively recently, while tumors can take decades to develop. For this reason, some health authorities have urged that the precautionary principle be observed, recommending that use and proximity to the head be minimized, especially by children.

Conceptual frame work

Mobile phone is an important medium of communication. Nowadays Accompanying cell phone gives a feeling of security. Using of mobile phone maintain interpersonal communication and build proficiency. Now it is found in every ones hand in our country. For Using cell phone increasing social communication and people can enrich knowledge.

However with all merits, a mobile phone has some negative effects too. Social harassment is increasing through excessive using of cell phone. Sometimes

Factor contributing in increasing incidence of social disturbance and eve teasing due to mobile phone. Tendency of telling lie is increasing for using mobile phone. Specially the habit of Preference of unnecessary talking over night and develop complicacy in personal/family relation affected much. Excessive using of cell phone cause health hazard to the users.

Operational definition

Mobile Phone: Wireless phones which brought conversations out from designated areas of traditional fixed line telephones, and into the huge variety of social situations and settings people use it/.

Youth: a period between child hood and adult age. The qualities of energy, freshness, immaturity etc. associated with being young.

presentation and analysis of case study

Case study 1

Ms. Shirin Afroz (28) working in an NGO for last two years. She is from Chittagong and living at Dhaka with her husband. She was involved in Red Crescent Society as a volunteer in 2003 while she was student. As a part of assignment she joined a seminar in Dhaka arranged by Red Crescent Society in which participants from different districts attended. During the seminar Ms. Shirin introduced with Mr. Zakaria who was from

Narshindhi and they exchange their address and phone number. Gradually they shared all about their personal and family affairs via cell phone. According to her opinion, day by day interpersonal communication and mental dependency between each other increased. After a long sharing they mutually decided to get married and accordingly did so.

Case study 2

Ms. Rafayet Ara is a housewife and involve in a cooperative society where all 40 members are female. Most of the society members are small and medium handicraft garments entrepreneur. Earlier they directly interacted with the customer and ship owners to receive selling order. Hence, they had to invest a lot of time to convince the customer. As a result they could not provide much more time to increase their production level. But when they started to use the cell phone they communicated quickly with the customer and received order from them. Gradually their business area

Expanded. Presently all entrepreneurs are able to provide more time to increase their production level.

Case study 3

Ms. Ferzana Nargis (33) is working in an NGO using the cell phone for last 10 years. She said that cell phone make easier to communicate with the friends. When she completed SSC examination some of her close friends got admitted in different colleges of Dhaka city. Therefore she couldn’t communicate with all of them. 15 years later, suddenly one of her friend called her. At first Ms. Ferzana could not recognize that person but after a while she recalled that the caller is her childhood friend. Therefore

they started to communicate in a regular interval. At present they meet each other in different social occasion and share about their family life.

Case study 4

Mrs. Huq received a miss call from an unknown person. She called back and told the caller that this is not the CP of the person he is trying to reach. In spite of that the caller continue to bother her with miss calls. Mrs. Huq’s daughter saved the number as “disturb” so that she can avoid the miss call.

Case study 5

Shahana (35) is a homemaker. Her daughter Lima is studying in a local college. She regularly goes out of home to attend the classes in the college. A few days back Shahana received a call from Farhana’s class friend enquiring why she is not attending the college for last five days. Although surprised, she avoided to reply her. But she was

worried and called Lima to know where she is. Lima replied angrily “Why, I am in theclass”. Shahana could feel that she is lying, but she had no way to check it.

Case study 6

Hossain is a businessman. His wife Mily comes from a large extended family. She is also very social. As such, she receives and makes lots of call daily. Some time even at night she is talking with someone over mobile phone. This irritates her husband. As such there is often conflict between them.

Findings of the study

Reason for use of  mobile phone:

Most of the respondents said that they use mobile phone to keep contact with others. In addition the students use mobile phone  to keep themselves informed about study and business people to maintain business related contact, use mobile phone also for safety. make and receive calls mostly from guardians and relatives by Students

Number of calls made and Expense:

Around two third of the total respondents said that daily approximate dialed call is 10 and below which includes mostly homemakers, students and service holders. Among businessman, half of them said daily approximate dialed call varies between 11 to 20. Most of the students and

homemakers spend between Tk.300/- to Tk. 1000/- monthly. Businessman generally spend more money for payment of cell phone calls. Most of the respondents do not agree that cell phone expense curtails the demands of everyday need and expense for  mobile phone is wastage.

Benefits of mobile phone:

Respondents from all categories highly support the statement that facilitates in maintaining interpersonal communication. Large number of respondents agree that using cell phone increasing social communication and spread one’s circle of acquaintance. Most of the respondents especially service holders and business people who want to optimize use of their time agree that using cell phone help in increasing proficiency in efficient delivery of responsibilities and goods. Also the respondents in the categories of student, business man and service holders agree that using  Mobile phone enriches their information and knowledge base. Among homemakers half of them did not agree to this, most probably because few of them use internet

option. Most of the respondents think that carrying cell phone gives a feeling of security which is especially supported by homemaker and business people. Home makers being women are more susceptible to insecure environment. They are also anxious about security of their children and spouse. Business people handling cash may also use mobile phone for safety measures.

Pattern of Mobile phone use:

The respondents are mostly get annoyed when some one around talk through  in Mobile phone loud voice and also conscious about not to do the same when they are using . Mobile phone Only some businessman said they are not that concerned about whether people around gets annoyed or not. To avoid unnecessary calls respondents generally do not pick up the Mobile phone and some of them cut off the line. A few of the respondents including students use call block option.

Behavioral effect:

The respondents in general supported that there are some amount of moral degradation due to

increased use of Mobile phone which includes enhancement in:

1. Tendency of telling lies;

2. Watching pornography;

3. Public discloser of personal and confidential information/ photograph

4. Habit of unnecessary talking

5. Annoying people through unnecessary miss call and eve teasing.

6. Indecent behavior in public place

Considerable percentage of homemakers and service holders considers calling people after midnight is interference of personal time of others. Whereas student and businessmen do not consider this as improper. However, along with home maker, service holder, most of the business man do not prefer to use mobile to call late at night. Only certain percentage of student like to use discount call offered by Mobile phone companies to make late night calls

Result of the study

Depending on the data collected from the field, various analyses have done by using SPSS and the results are shown in the tabular format. In our analysis there are 100 respondents and

their demography shows in the Table 1-7. Most  of the respondents age is 15-25  and 26-35 years which are 33 and 30 percent of the total respondent. This is assumed that the study was conducted with 52percent female and 48 percent male respondent. Among the participants most of the respondents are student and employee which are 38 and 26 percent of the total respondents. Every participant recently appeared in Secondary School Certificate examination and some are doing graduation which is 38 and 29 percent of total respondents.

 This is Assumed that all participants deserve Muslim values, which are 87 percent of total respondents. . Among the participants’ 48 percent respondents are married and 49 percent are single. And it is seem that is  39 percent respondent’s income is in the range of 501-15000 taka. and 15001-50000 taka constitutes by 36 percent respondents

Among all respondent.40 percent respondents  using mobile phone 6-10 years. And 20 percent respondents using mobile phone more than 20 years

 Out of 100 responses 44 percent  respondents have GP connections and 24 percent have Banglalink . It is visible from the table 14 that, only 14 percent respondents change their phone number frequently, while 86 percent respondents did not change their phone number frequently. Fifty seven percent respondents using first mobile phone on the age of 21-35 .Among total respondents65 percent  respondent said that they use mobile phone to keep contact with others which is general equally shared by all categories of respondent. . On the other hand respondents who mentioned use mobile phone for safety, which is followed by students (23%). Twenty eight percent respondent use more than one mobile to separate family and buissness life.

All the respondents uniformly said that they use general calls. All of the respondents  44 percent respondent use internet service of mobile phone. according to the percentage of 100 percent respondents among 100 respondents think that the rate of using mobile phone has now increased than before. Eighty five percent respondent  said that the reason of increasing is for communication. 56 percent respondents  said that they used to maintain mobile phone to store name and address.some of them are stored music ,pictures. among all repondents 51 respondents response their souce of recreation is TV. And 19 percent response on mobile. Tecnology are highly appreciated because it is not only Time consuming and complex work can be done quickly and easy and for is said by most of the respondent.

 most of the respondents expend 3 hours over phone. It is said by 49 percent responded. Only 6 percent responded expend time more than 3 hours over phone40 percent responded sleeps early in night. But most of the people sleep late night. It is said by 60 percent responded. 45 percent respondent want to prefer talk over night.and 25percent respondents think that because of mobile phone they feel any health problem. They all know that excess of talking usage might causes hearing problem but they all prefer it to use.Out of  all respondents it is said by all  in increasing incidence of social disturbance due to mobile phone. most of the responded they switch the ring off, it is said by 74 percent responded. Five percent responded said that switch the phone off. Most of the respondent’s opinion is public harassment. It is said by 64 percent responded, while 12 percent responded thinks that sector of misuse is eve teasing. fourteen percent responded said the crime is sector of misuse and only 10 percent opinion is unnecessary use is sector of misuse. and increased incidence of telling lie through cell phone (40%) has been rated high. All respondents’ observed that some people impulsively tell lies whenever they use cell phone the most of the respondents facing unnecessary calls. it is said by 44 percent respondents. On the other hand, 14 percent respondents facing excessive consciousness of parents.seventy six percent respondents are conscious about using mobile phone  consciousness increasedSixty three percent responded think that by media,while13percent believe that by family member. All respondent 74 percent having not any restriction for using finds out that the reason of not having full control of respondents.78 percent respondents think that because of communication Fifty two percent respondents youth should control of using mobile phone ,whereas 48 percent respondent view is not like that. respondents 87 percent respondents are agreed with the statement that government should be taken step, whereas13 percent responded are disagree with this. 86 percent think that accompanying cell phone gives a feeling of security, whereas  24 percent respondent feel without mobile  in unsecured position. , seventy percent responded agreed that expansion of mobile phone in some cases creating misunderstanding and complicacy in personal and family life, whereas30 percent are disagreed with that., 88 percent respondent among100 percent respondent think that mobile phone playing role in economy, whereas 12 percent don’t think  so.

All respondents’ opined that comparatively female are mostly sufferer from unexpected

call /mobile teasing than the male. Mostly8o percent of responded unexpected mobile call bothered them during their resting time. respondents are highly support the statement that mobile phone facilitates in maintaining interpersonal communication. Sixty seven percent of the total respondent are agreed with that. And 33 percent are disagreed.

Most of the respondents support the statement that using cell phone increases social communication. it is said by 70 percent respondent, while 30 percent of respondent don’t agree with it According to them usage of cell phone strengthened  the interpersonal communication r. In other words, the social relation Most of the respondents are response in easy communication. It is said by 58% respondent.. Although 5 percent of respondent response in changing business Pattern. Nine percent are said in supplying valuable information, around 28 percent people do not agree with this they think mobile phone effects in committed crimes easily by criminals.

 80 percent of total number thinks that communication sector got revolutionary change by using of mobile phone. respondents are highly support the statement that mobile phone advantage of mobile phone much. Sixty eight percent of the total respondent are agreed with that. And 13percent are said fairly much. Respondents view about the impacts of mobile phone. Seventy three percent respondent’s opinion on positive impact while 27 percent thinks mobile phone has negative impact.

 Most of the respondents’ said that a changes of peoples lifestyle has been observed whilst the number of cell phone subscriber increased. For instance, cell phone. All respondents’ admitted that mobile phone is one of the popular entertaining medium for the people. Browsing internet, listing music. But the evil consequences of using mobile phone are not explicitly realized to all respondent.


In This study attempted to determine and measure the various usages of mobile phone in Bangladesh among different demographic factors and also the impact of usage in social and economical factors. Mobile phones,now increasingly affordable and widespread in all clusters of people have significant impact to extend social relations. On the other hand, incense usages of this technology are now creating some social problems and also advancement to have mobile phone.

In today’s world, with technological advancements, mobile phones have metamorphosed into an all-in-one gadget. A gadget that plays music, takes high-resolution pictures, offers services to access internet instantly, and many more. For young ones, a mobile phone has helped them to socialize, and share thoughts through a fast, efficient and common platform. Because of mobile phones, young member of a family is more reachable nowadays. However, on a less encouraging note, mobile phones being used while driving have added to the increased tally of traffic accidents. And share of involvement youths in the cases of road accidents while attending a mobile call.
It is true that mobile phone are potent enough to raise quite a few health related complicacies, and young individuals being the prominent users, do come into the umbrella of ill effects of a mobile phone. However, saying so, we still have to remind that every technical innovation possess a faithful follower in the name of ill effects. If one youth’s reckless attitude is sure to amass problems uncalled for, other’s judicious steps with a bit of precaution can help one and all to enjoy the limitless possibilities of a mobile phone. It is up to us to determine the functioning of one of our most loved device as a useful slave or a demanding master.


The respondents made following recommendations to promote positive behavioral change among mobile phone users:

  • · Creating awareness and positive attitude about use of mobile phone, especially among youths.
  • · mobile phone should be used only to maintain contacts.
  • · Should not talk at late night (without sleep), Day call rate should be reduced and night call rate should be increased.
  • · Should not misuse free talk/SMS time, free talk time/SMS by mobile phone companies should be stopped.
  • · Unnecessary use of call/gossip /SMS should be stopped.
  • · Not to disturb someone especially girls/women by mobile phone. There should be law to prevent such incidents.
  • · Not to call unknown people/number especially at night in order to disturb.

mobile phone should be kept in silent mode in a class/ hospital/work place.

  • · Avoid speaking in a mobile phone in public place/ talk gently in a public place.
  • · Not to misuse money/spend money for mobile phone use beyond their means.
  • · Not to use mobile phone while driving or crossing road.
  • · Age of users of mobile phone should be restricted. Use of mobile phone by under age (18 years and below) children should not be allowed.
  • · Call block service should be improved.
  • · Taking photographs by mobile phone especially without consent of the person being photographed should be discouraged.
  • · Not to publicize personal information/photograph through mobile phone.
  • · Not to be addicted in use mobile phone
  • mobile phone should be considered as a necessary tool to meet the need.
  • · Too much or unnecessary talk should be avoided.

mobile phone effect

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