
The Mineral Antigorite

Antigorite is a lamellated, monoclinic mineral of the serpentine phyllosilicate subgroup with the ideal chemical formula (Mg, Fe2+)3Si2O5(OH)4. It is a high-pressure serpentine polymorph that is commonly found in metamorphosed serpentinites. Because of their relative weakness and high water content, antigorite and its serpentine polymorphs play an essential role in subduction zone dynamics (up to 13 percent H2O). It is called for its type location, the Geisspfad serpentinite, in Valle Antigorio in the Italian/Swiss border region, and is often used as a gemstone in jewelry and crafts.

Mathias Eduard Schweizer named it in 1840 for the type site, Valle di Antigorio, Domodossola, Piedmont, Italy. However, there is some doubt if he was on the Italian side of the border.

Antigorite is a mineral that belongs to the serpentine group. Antigorite is a key component of serpentinites that arises during the low-grade metamorphism of olivine-rich rocks. Lizardite, which may be found in pseudomorphs following orthopyroxene, can be found with antigorite.

General Information About Antigorite

  • Category: Phylosilicate (Serpentine-Kaolinite group)

  • Formula: (Mg, Fe)3Si2O5OH4

  • Crystal system: Monoclinic

  • Locality: Antigorio, Italy

  • Environment: Common in regional and contact metamorphosed serpentinites

Physical Properties of Antigorite

Lamellated antigorite is found in hard, pleated masses. It is often dark green, although it can also be yellowish, gray, brown, or black. It has a Mohs scale hardness of 3.5–4 with a vitreous to greasy gloss. The specific gravity of antigorite is 2.5-2.6. The monoclinic crystals exhibit micaceous cleavage, a characteristic of phyllosilicates, and fuse with difficulty. Mylonite is a frequent name for serpentinite rocks that are primarily antigorite. These rocks’ antigorite grains are incredibly thin and fibrous, defining a texture in the rock produced by lattice preferred orientation.

ColorGreen, Gray, Bluish Gray, Brown, Black.
Cleavage{001} Good
Crystal habitMassive or platy
Density2.5 – 2.6, Average = 2.54
DiaphaneityTranslucent to Subopaque
FractureBrittle – Generally displayed by glasses and most non-metallic minerals.
Hardness3.5-4 – Copper Penny-Fluorite
LusterVitreous – Greasy
Streakgreenish white
Specific gravity2.5-2.6

Metaphysical Properties

It stimulates your intuition. Structure in your life is stimulated. Cleanses and removes sluggish energy in all chakras. Removing negativity from the body provides power and positivity. It aids in the release of attachment from oneself to another. It changes everything and infuses it with joyful, loving energy. It’s excellent for manifesting and propelling oneself towards fresh beginnings.


Antigorite is a mineral that belongs to the Serpentine group.

Because of its affinity with the Heart Chakra, Antigorite can help you break emotional blocks and the bad energy they generate, allowing you to get away from people, things, and behaviors that no longer serve you but also prevent you from moving on in life.

Antigorite promotes the flow of creativity and the development of intuition. It can improve our ability to detect deception and provide the final push to move past the falsehoods and begin to make positive changes in our life — a fresh start, so to speak.

Antigorite cleanses the body, boosts cellular regeneration, and aids in the rehabilitation of a crooked spine.

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