


The Mineral Apophyllite

What is Apophyllite?

Apophyllite belongs to the Phyllosilicate family of minerals. The term is derived from the Greek word ‘flake off.’ Apophyllite is often a white crystal, although it can also be found in blue, green, yellow, pink, or colorless varieties. It is considered to soothe the mind and clear bad thoughts.

Fluorapophyllite (the green hue), Hydroxyapophyllite (clear), and Natroapophyllite (brown/yellow colors) are the three forms of apophyllite minerals. The green variant is said to be the rarest of the three.

General Information

Crystal systemTetragonal

Physical Characteristics

  • Color is clear, white, green, yellow, pink, violet, or rarely brown.
  • Luster is vitreous to pearly on cleavage surfaces.
  • Transparency: Crystals are transparent to translucent.
  • Cleavage is perfect in one direction (basal).
  • Fracture is uneven.
  • Hardness is 4.5 – 5.
  • Specific Gravity is approximately 2.3 – 2.4 (lighter than most translucent minerals).

What Chakra Is Apophyllite?

Which chakra apophyllite is linked with is a point of contention among experienced crystal collectors. There are three possible possibilities; the user must choose which one feels most aligned with them.

Apophyllite is said to aid in the development of psychic perception and clairvoyant powers. As a result, the third eye chakra is one of the chakras with which it is related. The crown chakra is one of the other chakras claimed to be directly influenced by apophyllite; being so close to the third eye, it’s no surprise that this stone may help and cleanse both of these related energy centers.

The heart chakra is the last but not least. The potential of apophyllite to offer clarity, tranquillity, and peace lies softly in the loving embrace of the heart chakra, and it may assist open up a blocked or sorrowful heart region.

Apophyllite Spiritual Meanings & Use

Apophyllite stones can help you become more spiritually elevated. They flood your auric field with high vibration light energy from the spiritual realms at the same time. These gems will activate the third eye chakra, enhancing your inner vision and eliminating any head chakra obstructions. Allow yourself to slowly ascend the route to the higher realms as your inner being begun to fully resonate with this profoundly spiritual frequency.

The Healing Properties of Apophyllite

Apophyllite is a spiritual stone that is a transparent resonator that carries electrical charge and links to higher realms. This crystal, which is always devoid of bad energy and jumbled emotion, quickly goes to work removing blockages, ensuring that your heart and mind remain clear and connected, ready to conquer those nagging emotions of tension and worry. Apophyllite is also recognized for its capacity to tap into underlying psychic talents, channeling ideas and sensations that transcend our simple bounds. This stone has a lot in store for people who are receptive to deeper spiritual practice, from clairvoyance and visions to connecting spirit and truth.

How To Use Apophyllite?

Apophyllite crystals are excellent meditation tools. It may open up your upper three chakras, connecting you to your higher self and heavenly consciousness, because of its very intuitive boosting power. Allow a little apophyllite stone to rest on your third eye (between your brows) while meditating or receiving a massage to accomplish its work.

Another option to use apophyllite is to wear it as a necklace around your neck. If you wish to use this stone to repair any physical difficulties with your lungs, keeping it near that location will be really beneficial. Maintaining a general vicinity can also help to open and purify your heart chakra.

Benefits Of Apophyllite

Because of its high-water content, apophyllite is an excellent conductor of energy and vibrations. This stone will enable you to obtain insights and visions from your angels and guides in a personal or business crisis. Apophyllite is a potent metaphysical stimulant. It can elicit introspection and intuition, as well as prompt you to consider your own actions and routines that are impeding your progress.

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The Mineral Apatite

What is apatite?

Apatite refers to a group of phosphate minerals that have comparable chemical and physical characteristics. They are a key component of phosphorite, a phosphorus-rich rock used to manufacture fertilizers, acids, and chemicals.

Apatite gets its name from the Greek word apate, which means “deception,” since it looks like a lot of other minerals.

COLORBlue, Green, Purple, Yellow, Gold
FRACTUREConchoidal to uneven
General Information Table

What is blue apatite?

Blue apatite is a dual-action stone that promotes goal-setting through personal power. It removes ambiguity, indifference, and negativity. This healing stone stimulates the mind, allowing us to obtain a better comprehension of reality and increase our knowledge, both of which are gifts that may be used for personal growth or for the greater good. Blue apatite is a manifestation stone that encourages compassion and service to others.

Blue apatite is a very spiritual stone that has a purifying effect on the aura, particularly on the mental body, which is related to psychic perception and paranormal powers. Because of its capacity to reach the energy levels where the Akashic records and our distinct soul patterns live, it is a very powerful stone to utilize in past-life or alternate-life work.


A German geologist called blue apatite crystal in 1786, and it belongs to the phosphate mineral family.

However, in the 1800s, it was revealed that the original stone had been classed wrongly, and the record was corrected.


Blue apatite may be found in a variety of places, including Brazil, Madagascar, Mexico, and Burma, but the greatest deposit is in Russia, in the town of Kirovsk in the northwest.

Blue Apatite Uses and Purposes – Overview

Blue apatite is a motivating stone that encourages self-reliance and ambition.

Blue Apatite, a stone of the Throat Chakra, aids public speaking and group communication. It is a fantastic study crystal since it is attuned to the Third Eye and helps focus and memory. When working on tasks, it helps with time management.

Business consultants and account or investment managers benefit most from blue apatite. It can assist people discover alternate jobs in times of unemployment or reduced work hours, and it can also benefit those who are forced to retire early.

Blue apatite is a dream stone that may be used to reach the subconscious mind for creative problem solving as well as investigating past incarnations and karmic patterns.

Apatite boosts creativity and brings out the best in you. It is a stone of the future that bestows wisdom on people who are sensitive to it. It might serve as a link between awareness and substance, allowing us to transform our humanitarian goals into healing, knowledge, communication, and education.

When worn, carried, or used as an elixir, blue apatite has successfully suppressed appetite. It also aids in the reduction of dental treatment-related anxiety.

Apatite is a very important stone. It offers to heal and empowering benefits for the mind, body, spirit, and heart. Expect more major things to happen in life when it is fully utilized.

Healing Properties of Apatite

Apatite is thought to improve comprehension, craft, and knowledge while also reducing appetite and cravings. Wearing this stone is said to improve focus, consistency, judgment, recognition, and true affection. Everyone receives acknowledgement and real affection.

The energy that lives inside is the key to lasting happiness. The Apatite stone helps to dispel gloom by reminding us that what is ahead and behind us is unimportant. It also aids in the restoration of transparency, illuminating the path to self-expression. It also points us in the direction of the delicate balancing act that our hopes and maturity demand.

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The Mineral Antigorite

Antigorite is a lamellated, monoclinic mineral of the serpentine phyllosilicate subgroup with the ideal chemical formula (Mg, Fe2+)3Si2O5(OH)4. It is a high-pressure serpentine polymorph that is commonly found in metamorphosed serpentinites. Because of their relative weakness and high water content, antigorite and its serpentine polymorphs play an essential role in subduction zone dynamics (up to 13 percent H2O). It is called for its type location, the Geisspfad serpentinite, in Valle Antigorio in the Italian/Swiss border region, and is often used as a gemstone in jewelry and crafts.

Mathias Eduard Schweizer named it in 1840 for the type site, Valle di Antigorio, Domodossola, Piedmont, Italy. However, there is some doubt if he was on the Italian side of the border.

Antigorite is a mineral that belongs to the serpentine group. Antigorite is a key component of serpentinites that arises during the low-grade metamorphism of olivine-rich rocks. Lizardite, which may be found in pseudomorphs following orthopyroxene, can be found with antigorite.

General Information About Antigorite

  • Category: Phylosilicate (Serpentine-Kaolinite group)

  • Formula: (Mg, Fe)3Si2O5OH4

  • Crystal system: Monoclinic

  • Locality: Antigorio, Italy

  • Environment: Common in regional and contact metamorphosed serpentinites

Physical Properties of Antigorite

Lamellated antigorite is found in hard, pleated masses. It is often dark green, although it can also be yellowish, gray, brown, or black. It has a Mohs scale hardness of 3.5–4 with a vitreous to greasy gloss. The specific gravity of antigorite is 2.5-2.6. The monoclinic crystals exhibit micaceous cleavage, a characteristic of phyllosilicates, and fuse with difficulty. Mylonite is a frequent name for serpentinite rocks that are primarily antigorite. These rocks’ antigorite grains are incredibly thin and fibrous, defining a texture in the rock produced by lattice preferred orientation.

ColorGreen, Gray, Bluish Gray, Brown, Black.
Cleavage{001} Good
Crystal habitMassive or platy
Density2.5 – 2.6, Average = 2.54
DiaphaneityTranslucent to Subopaque
FractureBrittle – Generally displayed by glasses and most non-metallic minerals.
Hardness3.5-4 – Copper Penny-Fluorite
LusterVitreous – Greasy
Streakgreenish white
Specific gravity2.5-2.6

Metaphysical Properties

It stimulates your intuition. Structure in your life is stimulated. Cleanses and removes sluggish energy in all chakras. Removing negativity from the body provides power and positivity. It aids in the release of attachment from oneself to another. It changes everything and infuses it with joyful, loving energy. It’s excellent for manifesting and propelling oneself towards fresh beginnings.


Antigorite is a mineral that belongs to the Serpentine group.

Because of its affinity with the Heart Chakra, Antigorite can help you break emotional blocks and the bad energy they generate, allowing you to get away from people, things, and behaviors that no longer serve you but also prevent you from moving on in life.

Antigorite promotes the flow of creativity and the development of intuition. It can improve our ability to detect deception and provide the final push to move past the falsehoods and begin to make positive changes in our life — a fresh start, so to speak.

Antigorite cleanses the body, boosts cellular regeneration, and aids in the rehabilitation of a crooked spine.

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The Mineral Anhydrite


Anhydrite is a rare mineral because it rapidly transforms into the much more common mineral gypsum when water is added to its chemical composition. Anhydrite and gypsum are chemically identical, with the exception that gypsum contains water. In reality, the term “anhydrite” is derived from the words “an” and “hydra”—meaning “without water”—in reference to its resemblance to gypsum but the absence of water. Some specimens only partially change to gypsum, leaving one part anhydrite and one part gypsum. Many deposits that originally had a high concentration of anhydrite now have a high concentration of gypsum, which was generated by the modification of the anhydrite.

In short, anhydrite is an anhydrous calcium sulfate having the formula CaSO4. It is linked to gypsum, which has the chemical formula CaSO4.2H2O. On a global scale, the quantity of gypsum much outnumbers that of anhydrite.


A. G. Werner named anhydrite in 1804 because of the absence of water during crystallization, as opposed to the presence of water in gypsum. Muriacite and karstenite are two outdated names for the species; the former, an older term, was given under the misconception that the material was a chloride. Tripe-stone is a rare variant found as distorted concretionary masses, while vulpinite is a scaly granular type found in Volpino, near Bergamo, in Lombardy; the latter is cut and polished for aesthetic uses.

Occurrence of Anhydrite

Calcium sulfate is deposited as gypsum crystals from an aqueous solution. However, when the solution contains an excess of sodium or potassium chloride, the anhydride is deposited as the temperature rises beyond 40 °C (104 °F). This is one of the techniques for artificially preparing the mineral, and it is the same as its natural origin. It is prevalent in mineral salt basins. In hydrothermal deposits, anhydride is also produced as a vein filling mineral. In sulfide mineral occurrences containing calcite and halite, the solution is often left as a gangue. Anhydrite is also found in the salt domes’ cap rock and trap rock chambers.

Physical Properties and Identification

Anhydrite’s cubic cleavage is one of its most distinguishing characteristics. It cleaves at right angles in three directions. This is plainly visible in coarsely crystalline specimens and may be observed with a hand lens in fine-grained specimens. Anhydrite is known as the “cube spar” because of its characteristic cleavage. When anhydrite is in huge form, it might be difficult to recognize. It is frequently mistaken with gypsum, calcite, or halite, with which it is virtually invariably linked. Anhydrite has a higher hardness and cleavage in three directions at right angles than gypsum. It may be recognized from calcite by its right-angle cleavage and lack of acid reaction. Anhydrite is insoluble and somewhat harder than halite.

Chemical FormulaCaSO4
Chemical ClassificationSulfate
ColorColorless, white, and light shades of brown, red, gray, pink, blue, violet
DiaphaneityTransparent to Sub transparent to translucent
FractureBrittle – Conchoidal – Very brittle fracture producing small, conchoidal fragments.
Hardness3 to 3.5
LusterVitreous to pearly
Specific Gravity2.9 to 3
Crystal SystemOrthorhombic

Uses of Anhydrite

In some applications, anhydrite can be used in place of gypsum. Both minerals are crushed for use as a soil treatment, with anhydrite being better. Because gypsum is around 21% water by weight, one ton of anhydrite has more calcium than one ton of gypsum. In a soil application, this results in more calcium per ton. Anhydrite is also more soluble, which allows it to benefit the soil more quickly. Anhydrite is used in small doses as a drying agent in plaster, paint, and varnish. It is also used with gypsum to make plaster, joint compound, wallboard, and other building materials. Anhydrite has also been utilized as a sulfur source in the manufacture of sulfuric acid.

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The Gemstone Andesine


Whenever a new gemstone is introduced to the market, it creates a lot of buzz. But there’s also the element of mystery. With the recent development of a gemstone known as Andesine, this was certainly the case.

Andesine is a red feldspar gemstone with a faint labradorescent look and greenish overtones. Andesine is a brand-new supplement on the market. It originally surfaced in 2003, yet the details of its origins were never revealed. Some speculate that this substance comes from a small deposit of natural red Andesine found in an alluvial source in Congo. Although this is theoretically feasible, it has yet to be shown. Aside from a putative natural stock from the Congo, today’s material is made in China by artificially increasing Labradorite using copper diffusion treatment.

This mineral’s chemical formula is (Ca, Na)(Al, Si)4O8, with Ca/(Ca + Na) (or percent of Anorthite) ranging from 30 to 50%.

In a summary, it’s a silicate mineral. Andesine must have a sodium/calcium ratio of 50 to 70 percent sodium and 30 to 50 percent calcium by definition.


Andesine was firstly discovered at the Marmato mine in Marmato, Cauca, Chocó Department, Colombia, in 1841. Because of the prevalence of andesite lavas in those mountains, the name is given to the Andes.

The term ‘andesine’ was first used to describe red and green gemstones in the early 2000s. Following considerable debate, it was determined that these jewels had been artificially dyed.

Andesine Sources

Andesine has been found in a variety of locations, including California, Utah, Colorado, South Dakota, Minnesota, New York, North Carolina, Colombia, Argentina, Greenland, Norway, France, Italy, Germany, South Africa, India, and Japan.

Andesine Geological Properties

Andesine, a feldspar mineral, is plagioclase with a triclinic crystal structure. All plagioclase members are composed of different amounts of albite (sodium aluminum silicate) and anorthite. Andesine is composed of 50-70 percent albite and the remainder anorthite, whereas labradorite is composed of 50-70 percent anorthite and the remainder alibite. Andesine is said to have originated in the Congo, although it has been exported from China, Mongolia, Tibet, and South India. Many andesine specimens are really labradorite gemstones that have been artificially altered. The red color is created by copper diffusion.

Chemical Composition(Ca,Na)(Al,Si)4O8
Mineral InformationPlagioclase feldspar
ColorRed, green, yellow, orange, pink, multicolored
Hardness6 to 6-1/2 (Mohs)
FractureUneven to conchoidal
LusterVitreous (Glassy)

Uses of Andesine

Andesine is most commonly utilized as a gemstone. Previously, this gemstone was said to be superior when left untreated. Heat treatment, on the other hand, is now widely employed to prepare this material and bring out its real color. The gemstone is also utilized in engraving and works of art such as beautiful boxes. This stone is also used in ceramics, as well as tiles, stones, and bricks. Sunstone, a natural reddish feldspar gem, should not be confused with andesine. To encourage higher pricing, certain Andesine diamonds are purposefully mislabeled as Oregon Sunstone. The glitter effect or aventurescence of sunstone easily distinguishes it. Andesine is tougher than the red gemstones Ruby, Spinel, and Rubellite Tourmaline.

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The Mineral Andalusite

What is Andalusite?

Andalusite is an aluminosilicate mineral with the formula Al2SiO5. It develops when argillaceous rocks (such as shale) are subjected to regional and contact metamorphism at moderate to medium metamorphic temperatures and pressures.

Andalusite is a mineral that forms rocks. It is most usually found in schist, gneiss, and hornfels. A trace quantity can also be found in granite and granitic pegmatite.

The most common application for andalusite is in the manufacture of heat-resistant bricks and ceramic items used in the steel-making and metal-processing industries. It is also utilized in the production of chemicals, glass, and a range of ceramic items. Mineral collectors prize exceptional andalusite crystals. Gemstones are created from specimens with exceptional color and clarity.


Andalusite was named by Jean-Claude Delamétherie in 1798 after the Spanish province of Andalusia, where it was found. However, the original form of andalusite was discovered before Christ’s birth in El Cardoso, a distinct Spanish location. Andalusite is frequently referred to as “poor man’s Alexandrite.” One of the other names for andalusite is “cross-stone.” According to Greek mythology, an Andalusite is a kind of Chiastolite, according to Greek mythology. The ancient Greeks employed these opulent gems for both medicine and decoration.

Physical Properties of Andalusite

CompositionAluminum silicate
ColorPink, violet, yellow, green, white, gray; in thin section, colorless to pink or green
Crystal systemOrthorhombic
Crystal classDipyramidal (mmm)
Hardness6.5 – 7.5
Fractureuneven to subconchoidal

Andalusite Stone Healing Properties

Andalusite is also known as the “Seeing Stone” due to its ability to carefully and quietly picture one’s inner nature objectively. It is beneficial for you to examine and analyze every aspect of the topic in order to arrive at an unbiased judgment free of apprehension and with a sensible attitude. It makes you recognize the need for self-sacrifice, but it is not required. It instills prudent thinking in you so that you can keep track of every hidden trace of the problem and unravel it. It promotes the obvious features of your personality and catalyzes changes in your life.


Andalusite is utilized in crystal therapy and folk healing to treat conditions such as AIDS, eye issues, calcium, oxygen, iodine deficiency, and water retention. Andalusite is a general tonic. It is a fantastic tonic for anyone who has been unwell and has a weak vibrational field that needs to be protected. Andalusite regulates the neural system as well as the energetic field.

ANDALUSITE AND Emotional Healing

Andalusite gemstones represent freedom, assisting the user in learning to live independently. Andalusite is thought to greatly reduce dread in people who are near death; this stone is thought to aid them in accepting their death cheerfully. This lovely stone may help with self-control and life balance, to name a few things.

This stone allows the wearer to cope with stress and anxiety by dispersing any bad energy in his environment. Andalusite has the capacity to transform strife into peaceful coexistence.

Andalusite, the seeing stone, operates peacefully and aids the user in determining one’s character without being biased. The user of this stone will be able to see all sides of a situation. Andalusite crystals are thought to offer strong protective and creative energies, allowing the user to balance their dilemma with pragmatism.

After wearing an andalusite gemstone, the user will be more focused on his objective since it helps him to keep calm during his difficult moments.

Andalusite Sources

Brazil is currently the major source of these jewels, where they can be discovered as pebbles on stream banks or on hillsides behind layers of clay.

The following are some more significant gem sources:

  • United States: California; Colorado; Maine; Massachusetts; New Mexico; Pennsylvania; South Dakota (Black Hills).

  • Belgium: blue crystals.

  • Myanmar: dull green material found in gem gravels.

  • Sri Lanka: gem material found as waterworn pebbles, sometimes large size.

  • Australia; Austria; Madagascar; Russia; Spain; Zimbabwe.
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The Mineral Analcime


Analcime is a beautiful and precious mineral belonging to the Zeolite family. It is a very collected stone due to its unusual and intriguing qualities, as well as its appealing crystalline structure. One of the most well-known stones for manifestation and dream magick!

It serves to energize and cleanse the Heart Chakra in particular. Analcime can help with group activities since it improves collaboration and brings everyone together. Analcime promotes creativity and a feeling of self-identity. When faced with change and/or transition, it can assist in maintaining a healthy mental (emotional) and physical condition. Analcime can be used to treat water retention, diabetes, and pancreatic problems. It can also aid to improve the muscular structure, especially atrophied muscles.

One of the key reasons for the stone’s growing appeal among metaphysical practitioners is because of this.

General Information

Chemical FormulaNaAlSi2O6 · H2O
CompositionHydrous sodium aluminum silicate
 LocalityFrom near Catanes, Cyclopean Isles, Italy.
Crystal systemOrthorhombic
Crystal classDipyramidal (mmm)
SynonymAnalcite, Analzim

Physical Properties of Analcime

ColorWhite, Grayish white, Greenish white, Yellowish white, Reddish white, Colorless.
Cleavage{001} Indistinct, {010} Indistinct, {100} Indistinct
DiaphaneityTransparent to Subtransparent to translucent
FractureUneven to subconchoidal
Hardness5 – 5.5
LusterVitreous (Glassy)


The name Analcime is derived from the Greek words “ana” which means “above” or “throughout,” and “lithos” which means “stone.” This is due to its capacity to pass through the whole stone while staying completely unaltered.


Croft Quarry in Leicestershire, UK; the Cyclopean Islands east of Sicily and near Trentino in northern Italy; Victoria in Australia; Kerguelen Island in the Indian Ocean; the Lake Superior copper district of Michigan, Bergen Hill, New Jersey, Golden, Colorado, and Searles Lake, California in the United States; and Cape Blomidon, Nova Scotia and Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec in Canada; and in Iceland, and now in Navarre, Spain.

Analcime develops in sedimentary rocks at temperatures below roughly 100 °C, indicating that the rock underwent shallow diagenesis.

Stone Size

When faceted, gems are almost typically colorless and weigh less than 1-2 carats. Mt. Ste. Hilaire large crystals are white with little facetable portions. In general, crystals in basaltic cavities are translucent and do not surpass 14 inches in size.

Analcime Essential Benefits

  • Analcime for Health and Healing: On a physical level, analcime is necessary for the pancreas. This is also a beautiful gemstone that may be used for water retention. Those suffering from diabetes should not forget to bring this stone, as it has a favorable influence on blood sugar levels and symptoms management.
  • Analcime for Wealth: Analcime’s energies may attract energies of financial gain, possibilities, and luck. These energies may also boost luck in terms of items that might affect one’s financial situation.
  • Analcime for Love and Relationship: This gem has a beautiful heart-based energy that is necessary for whatever relationship you have. It is also thought to be effective if you wish to get rid of conflicts or challenges in your relationship. This will aid in identifying the problems in the relationship.

How to Use Analcime?

These stones offer great heart-based energy that is recognized to be beneficial in resolving any conflict in personal relationships. This energy also assists a relationship in dealing efficiently with life changes that occur. It is known to help you keep close when you are separated and going through different circumstances. The frequency of this stone is especially beneficial in intimate relationships when one person craves domination over the other in order to influence their partner’s decisions. Their work to increase clarity in your thoughts may assist you in dealing with changes that may be occurring in your life. Use them in your regular meditation to bring about calmness and tranquillity.

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The Mineral Amblygonite


Amblygonite is a phosphate mineral that is rather common. It is the main mineral found in lithium and phosphate-rich pegmatites. Although this aspect may be ignored at times, it makes up a large amount of the rock. Amblygonite is readily mistaken for other host rock members such as quartz and albite, as it turns out. Amblygonite has a similar look to these two minerals, notably albite, but it may be distinguished by a flame test for lithium, density, and its strange cleavage.

General Information

CategoryPhosphate minerals
Formula(Li,Na)AlPO4(F, OH)
Crystal systemTriclinic
Crystal classPinacoidal (1)

Physical Properties of Amblygonite

ColourMilk-white, yellow, beige, salmon-pink, pale green, light blue, grey; colorless in transmitted light.
LustreSub-Vitreous, Resinous, Greasy, Pearly
Hardness5½ – 6
Specific Gravity3.04 – 3.11
TransparencyTransparent, Translucent
FractureIrregular/Uneven, Sub-Conchoidal


August Breithaupt discovered and called amblygonite in Saxony, east-central Germany, in 1817. Its name comes from the Greek words “amblys,” which means “blended,” and “goni,” which means “angle.” This is a reference to the mineral’s four cleavage angles. Because amblygonite contains around 10% lithium and phosphorus, it is a frequent source of both lithium and phosphorus. Because it promotes opacity within the glass, amblygonite is utilized in the creation of porcelain enamels and glass tableware. Large transparent, semi-transparent, and translucent crystals can be found, but because amblygonite is so delicate, it is only cut for collectors.

Where is Amblygonite Found? 

Amblygonite may be found in South Dakota’s Keystone, as well as South Africa and Zimbabwe. Transparent amblygonite is mined in numerous countries, including the United States, Australia, Germany, France, and Spain.

It is most commonly found in massive quantities that are white and translucent.

What is Amblygonite Used for? 

Transparent amblygonite is used as a gemstone, however, jewelry featuring this crystal is unusual due to the stone’s softness and inability to resist normal wear and tear. Amblygonite crystals have been known for their medicinal powers, particularly for stress release, due to the high concentration of lithium in this mineral.

Amblygonite is also found in trace concentrations in some pottery glazes. This mineral is especially useful for lithium extraction because it contains up to 10% of the element.


Transparent Amblygonite, which is extremely uncommon, has been faceted and used as a gemstone. Brazil and the United States are the principal, albeit intermittent, producers of gem-quality Amblygonite. Amblygonite has also been found in Australia, Burma, France, Germany, Namibia, Norway, and Spain, although not in economically significant amounts. Our amblygonite comes from the Morro Redondo Mine in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, near Coronel Murta. This gemstone and specimen mine is located on a pegmatite that was discovered in 1991 and measures 400 meters in length with an average thickness of 30 meters. Please note that our gems are historic production and that there has been no significant Amblygonite output from this mine for several years. Aside from its geological rarity and desired color, Amblygonite is a difficult stone to cut, adding to its rarity.

Amblygonite Healing Properties & Powers

Amblygonite offers a variety of therapeutic characteristics and abilities. Because it includes lithium naturally, it can benefit you in a variety of ways, including relieving stress, tension, worry, and anxiety. These yellow stones are among the most effective gemstones for stress relief. Their energy incorporates abilities that will make you feel calmer and more relaxed, and they are quite effective in the treatment of depression. They can help people with attention deficit disorder, popularly known as ADD, and may also benefit those with hyperactivity. They offer good therapeutic characteristics that improve immunity since they are known to enhance the immune system and aid in the treatment of infections and fever. Their vibration is supposed to alleviate headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, as well as stomach and intestinal issues. It may also aid in the healing of bone diseases and the repair of damaged bones.

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The Mineral Alunite


Alunite, commonly known as alum stone, is a mineral that contains the chemical alum, KAl(SO4)2-12H2O. Alunite has also been utilized in the recovery of potassium and aluminum.

Alunite is formed by the action of sulfuric acids on potassium-rich feldspars, a process known as “alunitization.” Sulfuric acids are commonly found in hydrothermal solutions that are rich in certain ore metals. These solutions can produce enormous masses of alunite, transforming alunite into a rock-forming material. As a result, alunite is frequently confused with huge rock-forming dolomite or limestone (calcite). Because alunite does not bubble even when powdered, an acid test should suffice for identification. Alunite may also be found in volcanic fumaroles.

The symmetry of alunite is the same as that of the other Tourmaline Group members. Alunite crystals, on the other hand, do not form prismatic crystals like the normal tourmaline material. The crystals of alunite are flatter and resemble almost cubic rhombohedrons. The “rhombohedrons” are actually two trigonal pyramids joined together.

General Information

CategorySulfate minerals
Crystal systemTrigonal
Crystal classHexagonal scalenohedral (3m)

Physical Properties of Alunite

 ColorWhite, Gray, Yellowish gray, Reddish gray, Yellowish white.
Cleavage{0001} Good
Density2.59 – 2.9, Average = 2.74
Hardness3.5-4 – Copper Penny-Fluorite
 LusterVitreous – Pearly
DiaphaneityTransparent to translucent


Alunite is a mineral that was first discovered in the 15th century in the Monti della Tolfa region of northern Italy, where it was used to make alum. J.C. Delametherie coined the term aluminilite in 1707, and François Beudant coined the term alunite in 1824.

Where can you find alunite?

It is now found in the Italian town, Tolfa. It may be found in Colorado’s San Juan area, Nevada’s Goldfield, Utah’s ghost town of Alunite in Marysvale, and Arizona’s Red Mountain near Patagonia. The Arizona occurrence is located above a canyon known as Alum Gulch.

Alunite and Spiritual Healing

Alunite’s therapeutic powers are beneficial to anyone whose confidence in the divine presence has begun to wane. It especially addresses the lack of energy and drive, as well as other issues that arise as a result of this. Alunite also facilitates the process of spiritual healing by broadening your consciousness’s boundaries.

When you become more open to new and diverse experiences that may appear beyond your comprehension, you successfully push the boundaries of your mind and seek solutions.

More significantly, the energies of Alunite greatly enhance the yin-yang balance that is essential to a person’s inner equilibrium.

Why Would You Use Alunite?

If you want to use this stone for metaphysical reasons, it has the following characteristics:

  • It connects with the base or root chakra, as do many red stones, helping to anchor you to the earth when needed.
  • Apply to the base chakra to balance yourself if you are feeling weak and lacking in strength or stamina.
  • It has a positive effect on the sacral chakra, aiding your relationships and the development of your creativity.
  • Increasing your creativity allows you to put your creative talents to use in your daily life.

These stones’ properties resonate throughout the heart chakra and provide a positive vibe that will keep you emotionally balanced. Their characteristics are beneficial in balancing your masculine and female energy, which is important since imbalanced yin and yang energies can lead to sickness.
As a result, keeping them in balance is crucial in order to help you stay healthy.

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The Mineral Afghanite


Afghanite stone, commonly known as midnight blue, is a stone with crystal-like edges and magnificent vivid light-dark tone transitions in hues of blue or dark blue, almost to black. It was initially presented at the Natural History Museum in London in 1969 after being introduced in 1967.

General Information of Afghanite

Chemical Formula(Na, Ca, K)12-(Si, Al)16O34(Cl, SO4, CO3)4.H2O
Chemical Namehydrated sodium calcium potassium aluminum silicate carbonate
Chemistry ClassificationSilicate
Crystal SystemHexagonal

Physical Properties of Afghanite

Colorlight blue, dark blue, colorless
Mohs Hardness5.5 – 6
Cleavage{1010} Perfect
Specific Gravity2.55 – 2.65
LusterVitreous (Glassy)


Afghanite was named after Afghanistan, where it was discovered. It’s a show-stopper with stunning blue tones ranging from mild, sea-blue aqua to captivating, exquisite sapphire-like blue. Afghanite is a very new addition to the list of valuable gemstones, having just been discovered in 1968. Although gem-quality stones are extremely rare, afghanite is definitely worth a second look and is highly sought for by savvy collectors.

Meaning and Energy

Afghanite vibrates at an extremely high frequency that is instantly sensed when touched. Its energies flow into the third eye and crown chakra, stimulating and aligning our most powerful chakras. Afghanite stimulates your psychic powers, allowing you to hear messages from your spirit guides and guardian angels. This mineral aids in becoming more aware of minute details in any surroundings, as well as understanding the underlying meaning behind particular symbology displayed. To fully appreciate this stone’s power, meditate with it over your third eye or place a piece in your pillowcase before going to bed. Your mind will become considerably more calm, making it simpler for your awareness to transcend.

Afghanite Essential Benefits

The afghanite may usher in a new age of knowledge and wisdom in your life, ensuring that you are constantly content and educated. This may provide stability to your life by helping you to figure out everything important so that you can begin moving forward in a pleasant manner. Afghanite may assist in calming the senses and nerves, allowing you to achieve tranquility and tranquillity. It is quite important for individuals who want to remodel their bodies and get greater muscle and bone growth. This stone can also help you find answers to problems by enhancing your intuition.

Afghanite and Spiritual Healing

Afghanite is an excellent spiritual healing stone since it enhances psychic capacity and helps your soul to grow more wiser and stronger from the inside. You will be able to discover your genuine purpose in the universe if you allow your soul to connect with the Akashic records and absorb the wisdom of your past incarnation.

Afghanite’s relaxing and soothing effects are beneficial to the soul since they help you to relax your mind, allowing your soul to achieve peace.

A stronger connection to the environment and the divine world will nurture your soul by assisting it in aligning with the divine purpose.

You’ll be able to take efforts to guarantee that you’re always content from the inside if you have a better grasp of your own soul.

Who Should Use It? Healing Attributes

  • Afghanite vibrates at an extremely high frequency that is immediately sensed when touched.

  • Afghanite helps you hear messages from your spirit guides and guardian angels by activating your psychic talents.

  • Afghanite is here to help your awareness achieve its goals, and it will do so through channeling celestial energy.

  • To fully appreciate this stone’s power, meditate with it over your third eye or place a piece in your pillowcase before going to bed.
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